Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I can't believe it's already October! It feels like we just started school! Where has the time gone?

In these next two weeks teachers have assigned mid-term tests, projects, and other assignments to "asses our learning" aka stress us out with. You may have been wondering what it's like trying to balance academics and athletics, and let me tell you, it's hard, especially when you have 3 tests and a paper due each week.

I am prone to procrastinate. In high school I told myself that when I got to college I would be on top of every assignment, do all the required reading, and turn in my assignments on time, or maybe even early. LOL @ MYSELF. That has not happened. I do try to read the assigned pages, and I turn in my assignments on their due date, never before.

Photo Credit: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3vojhj

After you've been working out for the past three hours, the library is not one place you want to be, but you have to stay on top of your stuff. We spend hours there all week long, but I can't seem to figure out how many hours I need to delegate to a certain assignment. "Do I study for the Psychology test on Friday, write my blog posts, or work on my WU 101 paper due next week?".

It has been helpful going to the library with my roommates. A few of us are in the same classes so we can discuss what we went over in class, or when something is due. As for my other classes, I am constantly emailing professors questions over assignments. I always double check my syllabus, but it doesn't always help.

I write down all assignments in my planner and I make sticky notes reminding myself what I need to get done for that week. Now that I have managed to figure out how to plan, let's just hope I can actually follow through with it!

Here is a link for some other tips to help you stay on top!


  1. I said some of the same things in high school because I was able to get by doing work at the last minute, but college is way different. I really miss being a student athlete and I'm thinking about possibly trying out for a sport at Washburn, but I'm not sure how I would handle sports and my work because both call for bigger commitment than back in high school.

  2. It is a huge commitment! If you can manage your time wisely and don't mind not having a lot of free time then I say go for it, but it's nice to have some free time every now and then.
