Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Support Our Sports

Every athlete dreams of playing in front of thousands of people when in reality we are lucky if our families and a few friends show up. That was not the case for last night's volleyball match against Emporia State.

The entire parent's section was filled with screaming moms and dads. Surprisingly, the student section filled up as well. Myself and the rest of the softball team along with a handful of soccer girls filled the front 3 rows cheering and screaming when they'd get a kill, awesome dig, or block. Moving on up, other students were there, but they were just sitting on their phones looking bored out of their mind. I'm not sure which is worse, and empty crowd, or a crowd full of bored people.

Athletes work their butts off to be the best. When game day rolls around, it seems like there's nothing to hold us back! We are psyched and ready to go, unless we see an empty crowd.

There is nothing better than looking out into the crowd to see tons of people on their feet, clapping and cheering our team on. Coaches always say "don't look into the crowd, you'll lose your focus", but when I look out to the crowd, adrenaline starts pumping and I feel like I could accomplish anything.

Do us a favor, go to the next volleyball match, softball, basketball or football game. Not only will it heighten the game day experience for the athletes out there performing, but it will be beneficial to you as well. There is nothing better than the feeling of cheering your school on to a win and being able to say you've been there and done that!
Photo Credit: Maddie Abbs


  1. I really like this post because the crowd really changes the whole atmosphere of a game. For a player it is really hard to stay "psyched" when nobody is there, especially at home games.

  2. Absolutely! Even though it probably shouldn't be, it's something that's constantly in your mind.

  3. What is you favorite sporting event to attend here at Washburn?
