Friday, September 5, 2014

T'was the First Day of Practice

T'was the first day of practice and all through the dorms every creature was stirring, including the mouse. (I thought I'd try to recreate the famous Christmas poem, but I couldn't think of anything clever after that first line.)

Wednesday morning I could not stop freaking out about practice. "Will I be good enough, will I be able to get through conditioning, am I wearing the right uniform, will the other girls think I'm any good?" The list went on and on thanks to my roommates. Walking out to the field I was a nervous wreck. My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding extremely fast, and I was sweating uncontrollably.

It's like walking into lunch your first day of high school and worrying about if you have any friends to sit with. Ultimately, you'll either find someone to sit with or go out on a limb and make new friends.

All of my new teammates are incredibly nice and great leaders for all of us freshmen. They taught us how the warm up went, how coach likes things to be done, what kinds of drills we need to learn, and my favorite part, ladders.

It had poured down rain the night before so the grass was kind of wet. Nothing I couldn't handle, or so I thought...

Instead of cleating-up for these lovely ladder drills, coach has us keep our tennis shoes on. Any other day this would've been fine, but because of all the rain there was no way I could get traction in my crappy, old shoes.

I made it through the first round just fine. The second round through I completely ate it. My feet slipped right out from under me and I fell, HARD. After the initial shock and embarrassment, I busted out laughing! Right as I got up someone else fell only to lead to more laughter.

We all got through the mud pit and went on to play catch and loosen up our arms. As we jogged back into the dugout, one of the returners slipped immediately as she stepped into the dugout and fell straight on her butt. We all couldn't help but giggle as she just sat there laughing at herself.

This goes to show that even though nervousness and anxiety can overwhelm you, you aren't going to be the only one feeling that way! Thanks to my awesome teammates I know I'll be great friends with them!

P.S. Just kidding about the mouse from earlier, we don't actually have one in our room(;

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